Taking a break from bread baking, I turned to cookies and make some jam-filled thumprint ones from the Cafe Fernando blog.  These cute, button shaped sablés add a dash of colour for a quick tea time treat. If you have a soft spot for chocolate, skip the jam. Go for your big jar of Nutella, plop a generous teaspoon of the yummy hazelnut spread in the cavity. Pause a few seconds to admire your genious creation, then think no more. You will be likely to find yourself munching halfway through your batch of cookies before you remember to share it with someone, if you ever do..



3/4 cup all purpose flour

2 tbs hazelnut flour

100g butter, room temperature

1/4 cup caster sugar

1/3 cup strawberry jam

1/3 cup apricot jam


  • Preheat oven to 350 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

  • Cream butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Whisk together flour and ground hazelnuts.

  • Add to the creamed butter. Mix until well combined. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.

  • Take a teaspoonful of dough in your hand, form a small ball, press in the center with your finger.

  • Make a hole (not all the way) and arrange on baking trays 2 inches apart. Bake for 15 minutes.

  • Let the cookies cool and fill the holes with raspberry or apricot jam. Makes 20 medium sized cookies.

Jam Filled Thumbprint Cookies